
Cultivate Church-wide awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of Navajo culture, traditions, and spirituality as complementary of Episcopal theology and the mission of ECN.

  • Publish e-newsletter to members (3-4 times a year).
  • Develop a “Friends” component of ECN website with multiple, easy-to-update pages and rich with photos of Navajo Episcopalians and ECN ministry.
  • Organize a “Friends Academy” including retreats and structured study to dive deeper into the Navajo culture and spirituality.
  • Develop a curriculum to assist others to learn more about Navajo culture, spirituality, and ministry in the Episcopal model, maybe in conjunction with confirmation classes. Financially support lay training in ECN congregations.
  • Update and publish a bibliography for those interested in learning more about Navajo culture, spirituality, and other Navajo issues.
  • Recruit, train mentors/partners for ECN, ECN congregations, e.g., companion dioceses, companion congregations.
  • Organize a Speakers Bureau to visit in other dioceses and congregations across the Church and outside the Church.
  • Submit draft articles to Episcopal News Service and local media quarterly to showcase the mission and ministry of ECN.
  • Publish an ECN cookbook of Navajo dishes and food customs.
  • Publish Navajo-themed Christmas cards series with art from all ages of congregants (from pre-school to elders) in ECN churches, books, crosses/spiritual art.