Prayer Cycle Join us for daily prayer. Each day while in prayer, please include Navajoland while using this easy Prayer Cycle Chart. Processing...DaysOur Mission CongregationsOur Active Clergy and Lay PastorsOur ChurchesOur Lay Staff and VolunteersOur Special Projects/MinistriesSundayEpiscopal Church in NavajolandAll ECN ClergyAll Churches of ECNAll Volunteers and Lay Staff of ECNHozho Woman's WellnessMondaySan Juan RegionBishop Barry BeisnerAll Saint's Farmington St. Michael's Upper FruitlandCouncil Members and Economic Development BoardFour Winds Rehab CenterTuesdaySoutheast RegionRev. Canon Cornelia Eaton Rev. Michael SellsSt. Luke's in the Desert St. Joseph's House ChurchFriends of NavajolandCheii Web Development ShopWednesdayUtah RegionRev. Canon Cathlena Plummer Rev. Leon SampsonGood Shepherd Mission St. Mark's Coal MineActive Lay Ministers Communication's PersonnelShima' of NavajolandThursdaySan Juan RegionRev. Jack Chase Rev. Deacon Paula HensonSt. Christopher's Mission St. John's the BaptizerFinances, Bookkeeper, and Treasurer.Water Ministries at St. Christophers MissionFridaySoutheast RegionRev. Catherine Plummer Lay Pastor Lillie HendersonSt. Mary's in the MoonlightChancellors Stephen Hutchinson, Kathleen Wells, and Angie Rogers.Homer Dell Farm at St. Christophers Mission, Garden at Good Shepherd, and the Bee Project in both areas.SaturdayUtah RegionRev. Inez Valarde Sofina SilasECN Youth MinistriesWardens and Bishops Committees in all our Mission Congregations.Navajoland Pilgrims past, present, and future from parishes and dioceses across the Episcopal Communion.WP Table Builder